Wolfgang “Keil” Borgmann passed away

Maybe this is no news to some of you, but I only recently learned that Wolfgang “Keil” Borgmann passed away in December of 2022. It seems he was ill for quite some time before his final passing. He was the original singer chosen for the project in 1986 and he can be heard on ‘Mekong Delta’, “The Music of Erich Zann’ and ‘The Principle of Doubt’, as well as the EP’s ‘The Gnom’ and ‘Toccata’. He left Mekong Delta because he could no longer identify himself with the music. Together with Ralf Hubert they both briefly co-operated in the band ‘Schwarzarbeit’ and in 2019 Wolfgang was co-founder (next to guitarist Arthur Bulach) of the german band ‘Mekong Age’, named with reference to his days with Mekong Delta. Unfortunately his presence in the band would be short-lived.

I was a little shocked to hear he passed away. ‘The Principle of Doubt’ is still one of my favorite albums.

Site offline

Due to some financial circumstances, there are going to be some changes in the way the website is hosted. This means that the website and domain need to be moved. Since this has to be done in my own time (I do have a fulltime job) and I need to figure out how to keep everything secure, it might be that the website will be down for a period of time.

The current provided webspace will be operational until the 31st of August. After that the site will not be online anymore, unless I can find another way to host the site within this time.

Be advised that I will do anything within my abilities to preserve, maintain and continue this website. So, even when I can’t move it in time and the site will go down, I have every intension to bring the site back online again. It just might take a little longer.

Sorry for the inconvenience but my financial well-being is more important right now.

Final Vinyls

German (English below):

Hallo an Alle,
es ist geschafft ! Mit den in Zusammenarbeit mit Devils Elexier erstellten Releases der Alben “Classics”, “Picture at an Exhibition” and “Visions Fugitives” sind nun alle Alben von Mekong Delta auf Vinyl erschienen, worüber ich mich sehr freue. Die aktuellen Alben im Detail :

Konfiguration der “Pictures ..” ist Gatefold / 2 LPs plus Booklet mit den einzelnen Bildern in Plattengrösse (!), Vinyl 180g //

Konfiguration der “Classics ..” ist Gatefold / 2 LPs, Vinyl 180g //

Konfiguration der “Visions ..” ist Gatefold / 1 LP, Vinyl 180g ( sieht deutlich besser aus als die von Zyx ) //

Die “Pictures ..” ist wirklich überragend geworden, das ganze Artwork ist in dieser Grösse wirklich Klasse.

Für euch, die Ihr Mekong über all die Jahre supported, habe ich wieder eine limitierte Menge bestellt, die auf Wunsch auch wieder von mir signiert werden kann. Einzelpreis der Alben ist :

“Pictures ..” und “Classics ..” jeweils 19,95€, “Visions ..” jeweils 16,95€ //
“Pictures ..” und “Classics ..” zusammen 35,95€ //
“Pictures ..” und “Classics ..” und “Visions ..” zusammen 49,95€ //

Die Alben sind gestern eingetroffen und somit ab jetzt über diese mail – Adresse bestellbar.

Beste Grüsse,

Ralf Hubert / Mekong Delta

English :
Hello everyone,

it’s done ! With the releases made in collaboration with Devils Elexier After the albums “Classics”, “Picture at an Exhibition” and “Visions Fugitives” all Mekong Delta albums are now available on vinyl, which I am very happy about. The current albums in detail:

Configuration of the “Pictures ..” is gatefold / 2 LPs plus booklet with the individual pictures in record size (!), Vinyl 180g //

Configuration of the “Classics ..” is Gatefold / 2 LPs, Vinyl 180g //

Configuration of “Visions ..” is Gatefold / 1 LP, Vinyl 180g ( looks much better than the Zyx release ) //

The “Pictures ..” turned out really outstanding, the whole artwork is really great in this size.

For you who have supported the Mekong over the years, I have again ordered a limited number of the albums, which can also be signed by me if you wish. Single price of the albums is :

“Pictures ..” and “Classics ..” each €19.95, “Visions ..” each €16.95 //

Combination prices :

“Pictures ..” and “Classics ..” together €35.95 //
“Pictures ..” and “Classics ..” and “Visions ..” together €49.95 //

The albums arrived yesterday and can now be ordered via this email address.

Best regards,

Ralf Hubert / Mekong Delta

Digibook ‘The Principle of Doubt’

Ralf would like to have your attention to the following:

(English below)

German :

Hallo an Alle,

das DigiBook der “Principle of Doubt” ist fertig und setzt die Reihe der Mekong re -releases auf diesem Medium fort. Die Qualität entspricht denen der vorherigen Veröffentlichungen und ist dementsprechend hoch. Wie immer gilt :  Da ich nur eine begrenzte Menge für Fans direkt ordern kann, wäre es gut, wenn die unter Euch, die Interresse daran haben, sich im Vorfeld einmal kurz melden, so das ich eine entsprechende Anzahl reservieren kann. Die Lieferung erwarte ich in cirka 3 Wochen. Da immer wieder Anfragen  bezüglich der “E. Zann” und “1st” Vinyl bei mir eingehen, habe ich die noch vorhandenen Coverbestände auspressen lassen. Wer also eines der beiden Alben auf Vinyl haben möchte, kann diese nun wieder direkt bei mir bestellen.

Beste Grüsse,

Ralf Hubert / Mekong Delta

English :
Hello to all of you,

The DigiBook of the “Principle of Doubt” is finished and continues the series of Mekong re-releases on this medium. The quality corresponds to that of the previous releases and is accordingly high. As always, since I can only order a limited amount  for fans directly, it would be good if those of you who are interested in this DigiBook contact me briefly in advance, so that I can reserve the appropriate quantity of the album. I expect the delivery in about 3 weeks. Since I keep getting requests for the “E. Zann” and “1st” vinyl, I still have them have existing cover stocks squeezed out. So who have one of the two albums on vinyl If you want, you can now order them directly from me again.

Best regards,

Ralf Hubert / Mekong Delta

The E-mail addres for ordering merchandise is, as always:

For sale: PoD Vinyl Test Pressing

There’s a test pressing of the album ‘The Principle of Doubt’ up for sale. If anyone is interested in buying, please contact me. I will give you the contact information of the one who’s selling it.

Mekong Delta goes digital

By popular demand, Mekong Delta has decided to put up their official catalog for digital purchase. Ralf Hubert has been working on his own server but this would prove to take way too long concerning the time available to him. Therefor he decided to go with well-known digital platform bandcamp. From now on all official releases are available for purchase at:


Visions Fugitives on Vinyl

Ralf has an announcement to make:

German :

Hallo an Alle,

es geschehen tatsächlich noch Wunder. Das 6te Mekong Delta Vinyl release, Visions Fugitives”, ist endlich fertig. Hat nur 9 Monate gedauert, aber man soll Presswerke ja nicht hetzen. Bei dieser Veröffentlichung handelt es sich um eine Premiere. “Visions Fugitives” wurde damals, bei der Erstveröffentlichung – dem Zeitgeist entsprechend – nur auf CD herausgebracht, es gab also noch nie eine Vinylfassung. Wie sich die Zeiten ändern. Heute ist Vinyl schon fast wieder die Nummer eins bei neuen ( Metal ) Alben. Da ich nur eine begrenzte Menge für Fans direkt ordern kann ( der Vertrieb will ja auch welche haben ), wäre es gut, wenn die unter Euch, die Interresse daran haben, sich im Vorfeld einmal kurz melden, so das ich eine entsprechende Anzahl reservieren kann.

Beste Grüsse,

Ralf Hubert / Mekong Delta

English :

Hello to all of you,

miracles do indeed happen. The 6th Mekong Delta vinyl release, “Visions Fugitives”, is finally ready. It only took 9 months, but pressing plants shouldn’t be rushed. At this Publication is a first. In line with the zeitgeist, “Visions Fugitives” was only released on CD when it was first released, so it still existed never a vinyl version. How times change. Today, vinyl is almost number one again for new ( metal ) albums. Since I can only order a limited amount directly for fans (as the distributor want to have some too ), it would be good if those of you who are interested in it would contact me briefly in advance so that I can reserve a corresponding number.

Best regards,

Ralf Hubert / Mekong Delta

If you want to pre-order the vinyl of “Visions Fugitives” directly from Ralf, drop him a short e-mail at the following address:

Digibook ‘Dances of Death’

Here’s a message from Ralf Hubert:
(English version below)

German :

Hallo an Alle,

Nach dem durch Covid bei uns alle Releases wegen Problemen bei den Herstellern verschoben werden mussten, sind nun endlich die DigiBooks von der “Dances of Death” fertig. Sind qualitativ genau so Klasse geworden wie die beiden bis jetzt erschienenen. Wie üblich habe ich ein Kontingent für Euch geordert, das wieder direkt über diese Mailadresse geordert werden kann. Auf Wunsch signiere ich die gerne. Ebenso hab ich eine kleine Anzahl t – shirts ( nur L und XL ) davon vorrätig, sind auch sehr gut geworden und können direkt hier bestellt werden.

Beste Grüsse,

Ralf Hubert / Mekong Delta

English :

Hello everyone,

After all of our releases had to be postponed due to problems with the manufacturers due to Covid the DigiBooks from the “Dances of Death” album are finally ready. The quality is just as great as the two that have been releases so far. As usual, I have ordered a contingent for you, that again can be ordered directly through this Mail address . It will be a pleasure for me to sign them on request. I also have a small number of high quality t – shirts which have been manufactured for this DigiBook in stock. They also can be ordered here directly. 

Best regards,

Ralf Hubert / Mekong Delta

The mail address to order your copy:

Tales of a Future Past is #16

Mekong Delta is placed number 16 on the Top 55 Metal Albums of 2020 by Agoraphobic News. Check out the complete list on http://agoraphobic-news.com/articles_view.php?url=top_55_metal_albums_of_2020_by_agoraphobic_news

Release date pushed forward

Due to current circumstances in the world the release date has been pushed to May 8th. We’re very sorry for these extra two weeks of waiting, but there’s nothing we can do about it. But… ‘Tales of a Future Past’ is coming!!!