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Ralf Hubert Bass and Concert Guitar |
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Alexander Landenburg Drums |
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Peter Lake Guitar |
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Martin Lemar Vocals |
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Mekong Delta
Hey Ralle,
H?tte gern mal wieder Kontakt zu dir, hoffe dir gehts gut.
Keine Ahnung wie ich dich sonst kontakten k?nnte.
Meld dich mal.
could somebody tell me what the ex-singer is doing at the moment??I am talking about haridon Lee aka Leo Szpiegel??
Any info on his whereabouts??His email maybe??
Sorry it took so long to approve the post. The best thing I can give you, is the website http://www.duke-metal.com. That’s Leo’s personal project. Perhaps you can contact him through that site.
Hi guys,
I watched the movie with your music in soundtrack. It was many years ago so I can’t remember title of the movie… I supose it was Luc Besson film but – kill me I’m not sure now. I spent two hours by internet to try find it – no results…
Can you help me with this?
Cheers – Uysy
Can you tell me what song (or songs) you are reffering to? If you are talking about ‘Interludium (begging for mercy)’ from the ‘Music of Erich Zann’-album, you have probably watch the movie ‘Psycho’ (original or remake). Unfortunately that song is originally a classical adaptation and not written by Mekong Delta themselves.
Is there any possibility to have mail contact with Ralph Hubert? I would need the sheet music for the fugue of “Suite for group and orchestra”.
I?d start anyway to listen it out if there is no possibility. I write a kind of thesis in the Music University of Cologne on the matter.
Thanks in advance.
I forwarded your question to Ralf. Not sure if there will be an answer soon. I haven’t heard from him for quite some time now. It’s all I can do for you at the moment.
Hi, too bad this band is amazing but underrated.
I want knows more about the band members (not personal information), I mean his: musical influences, favorites bands and albums, etc.
Heyho und Gr??e von Marco und Holzi von Life Artist. Wir sind wieder musikalisch aktiv!
Hey Guys,
Your new album is just a smashing hit, I love it! I was so happy to learn from an article in the Hungarian Metal Hammer that you guys plan to go on a Europen tour later this year and you plan to stop in Hungary as well. Great news to me! I can’t hardly wait! Do you have any further specific info on the date and venue of your show in Hungary? Also, I’ve been trying to buy an XXL size Mekong Delta T-shirt for years, but it seems that no distributor wants to sell any in Hungary. Can you give me a hint where I can order and/or buy one? Don’t you guys have one spare on stock in your closet somewhere? 🙂 If yes, can you sign it and let me buy it pleeeeeeeeease? 🙂
Ich will MEKONG DELTA endlich wieder mal live sehen!!!!!!!!!
Am liebsten am Keep-it-True Festival.
Hi,m i’m a fan from Brasil, and I’m looking in every corner of the internet for tabs of your songs, especially from the album “The Principle of Doubt”. Is there a chance of getting that? Besides that, you guys are awesome! Greetings from Brasil!
Hi all together especially Ralf,
und nun wechsel ich ins Deutsche. Vor vielen vielen Jahren mindestens 20 ist es her hat mir ein Freund mal was von Euch vorgespielt – und wie ich direkt erkannt hatte war es aus dem Film Hellraiser, Komponist Christopher Young (u. a. auch Invasion vom Mars, Species). Eure Interpretation fand ich echt klasse! 🙂
Sagt mir doch bitte Euren Titel des Teils und von welchem Album – danke!
Allerbeste Grüße – Olli 🙂
The only track I know to be originally composed by Christopher Young is on the ‘Visions Fugitives’ album and is called: ‘Dance’. It’s part of the Suite for Group and Orchestra.
Hallo Ralf, bist schwer zu erreichen. Melde Dich mal
Hallo Reiner,
Ich werde deine Nachricht und E-Mail-Adresse an Ralf weiterleiten. Er ist in keinem der sozialen Medien wirklich aktiv.
Hallo! Gibt es irgendwie/irgendwo über die Band selbst die Möglichkeit an sämtliche Alben auf CD (!) ranzukommen? Mir jede einzelne CD über Discogs zusammen zu suchen, ist mir dann doch etwas zu mühevoll…
Entschuldigen Sie die schrecklich verspätete Antwort. Du kannst eine E-Mail an die auf der Hauptseite angegebene mekongmerch-Adresse senden. Ich bin sicher, dass sie dir dort weiterhelfen können.