Category: Music

“Kaleidoscope”-vinyl is coming…

For English, see below

Hallo an Alle,

das 5te Mekong Delta release auf Vinyl, “Kaleidoscope”( das erste von Mekong Delta direkt ), wird in
ca. 2 Wochen zuerst für Fans erhältlich sein, als 140g vinyl im 3mm Cover mit bedruckter b/w Innenhülle.
Da das Cover im Laufe der Jahre durch die zahlreichem CD Wiederveröffentlichungen immer weiter vom
Original abwich – die Violine war zum Beispile rechts beschniten -, wurde sehr viel Zeit damit verbracht,
dass original Gemälde des Covers zu restaurieren, um es für das vinyl re – release verwenden zu können.
Viele verlorene Details sind nun wieder sichtbar, insgesamt unterscheidet es sich doch erheblich von
den CD Covern der letzen Jahre. Ferner wurde als Audio Basis die Original CD verwendet, durch die
zahlreichen CD Releases ahtten sich im Glasmaster digital Fehler eingeschlichen, die auf der LP
nicht vorhanden sind.

Da das Vinyl re – release wieder limitiert sein wird, wäre es gut, wenn die unter Euch, die Interresse daran
haben, sich im Vorfeld einmal kurz melden, so dass ich eine entsprechende Anzahl reservieren kann. Neben
dem normalen Album sind auch wieder signierte Whitelabel möglich ( die gibt es bereits Ende der Woche ).
Bei Interresse, bitte bei mir melden.

Beste Grüsse,

Ralf Hubert / Mekong Delta

English :

Hello to all of you,

the 5th Mekong Delta release on Vinyl, “Kaleidoscope”( the first one direct from Mekong Delta ), will be
available for fans first in about 2 weeks, as 140g vinyl in 3mm sleeve with an b/w printed innersleeve.
As the CD cover, caused by all the re – releases, is far away from the original Cover ( the violin is cutted
on the right for example ), we spent a lot of time in restaurating the original painting so that we can use
it for this vinyl release. A lot of Details are visible again now, its quite different from the CD covers used
over the years. Further more we used the original audio CD as base for the master, as through all the
CD replications over the years, the glassmaster got some digital errors which will not be on the LP.

As this vinyl re – release will be a limited again, those of you who are interrested  should drop me a mail
so that I can reserve a copy. Beside the normal album orders for signed whitelabels are possible again.
Those will be available starting next week.

Best regards,

Ralf Hubert / Mekong Delta

It’s been a while…

Yes, yes, I know. It’s been a while since you heard from me and/or the band. The last time, before all the re-releases, we spoke about the “Suits and Fragments” album. Well… there’s good news and bad news.

The good news is, it’s going well with the collection of songs for the “Suits and Fragments”-album. The bad news is, it has been postponed yet again.

Since working on that album gave Ralf so much new stuff he has decided to start working on a new album first. There are no concrete songs made at this moment. Ralf is working on a musical draft which he hopes to finish this month. After that the actual writing and composing can start, so there is a new album in the making but it will take probably the rest of this year. Of course we will try to keep you up to date with the progress made.

MEKONG DELTA will also start to organize their own tour, since playing only once every two months isn’t very economic. It costs too much just to do one gig, so they’re looking for venues to play more than once or more venues in a general area. If you can provide us with venues for MEKONG DELTA to play meeting these conditions, please let us know. Your input is greatly appreciated.

…and there will be a re-release of the ‘Kaleidoscope’-album on vinyl. The original plan was to do only the first 4 albums, but Ralf decided to do the Kaleidoscope album as well. Keep an eye out on the website to find out when this is going to be released. Due to the rising costs to make vinyl albums, this re-release will be either 140 grams (in stead of the 180 grams like the other 4) or € 1,– on top of the previous price.

Re-release ‘Dances of Death (and other walking shadows)’

OK, the fourth album is also ready for a limited re-release. I received an e-mail from him a week ago. Here’s Ralf’s anouncement:

Hello to all of you,

the 4th Mekong Delta re – release on Vinyl, “Dances of Death”, will be available for fans first
in about 2 weeks, again as 180g vinyl in 3mm sleeve with an b/w printed innersleeve. As the CD cover,
caused by all the re – releases, is far away from the original Cover, we spent a lot of time in restaurating
the original painting so that we can use it for this vinyl re – release. A lot of Details are visible again now,
its quite different from the CD covers used over the years.

As this vinyl re – release will be a limited again, those of you who are interrested  should drop me a mail
so that I can reserve a copy. Beside the normal album orders for signed whitelabels
are possible again. Those will be available starting end of this week.

Best regards,

Ralf Hubert / Mekong Delta

So in about a week the re-release will be available.

Re-release of ‘The Principle Of Doubt’

News from MEKONG DELTA. The third re-release on vinyl is on its way.

Hello to all of you,

the third Mekong Delta re – release on Vinyl, “The Principle of Doubt”, will be available as usual for fans first
next week ( official release 29.04 ), again as 180g vinyl in 3mm sleeve with an printed b/w innersleeve.

As this vinyl re – release will be a limited again, those of you who are interrested  should drop me a mail
during the next days so that I can reserve a copy. Beside the normal album orders for signed whitelabels
will be possible again.

Best regards,

Ralf Hubert / Mekong Delta

You can pre-order now by using the ‘VINYL’ button in the top bar.

Please indicate whether you would like the signed white-label test pressing or the regular limited edition with normal artwork.


OK, the re-releases are the greatest concern for MEKONG DELTA at the moment. As you probably know, the first 4 albums are being reprint and re-released in a limited amount. As we speak, the first album (‘Mekong Delta’) is available and the second album (‘The Music Of Erich Zann’) is currently in production. The problem is the following. The original artwork for the first albums has been either destroyed or heavily damaged. Since Ralf wants his re-releases to be (almost) perfect, some work has to be done to restore the artwork. This is the first reason the work on the album containing ‘Suite’ and ‘Five Fragments’ has been postponed. The second reason is that Ralf found himself changing to much of the parts of the ‘Suite’ composition (which was NOT his intention), so he needed to take his distance from the work and let it settle. So, things are progressing but have a little patience. In the end it’s worth your wait!

Work in progress…

Mekong Delta - Mekong Delta

Mekong Delta – Mekong Delta

Some years ago, I think it was somewhere between Lurking Fear and Wanderer on the Edge of Time, Ralf’s plan was to improve and re-release the Suite for Group and Orchestra (found on Visions Fugitives) together with Five Fragments for Group and Orchestra, two of which can be found on the Lurking Fear album.

I received word from Ralf that he’s currently working on improving the Suite for Group and Orchestra (the ‘Fugue‘ is the only one not ready yet) and that he is completing the fragments. He hopes to complete this project before the second half of this year, so it can be released.

Other good news is that the first albums by MEKONG DELTA are to be re-released on vinyl, starting with the self-titled debut. The first album should be available somewhere halfway the month of May. These albums will be limited editions, so people that are interested should let Mekong Merchandising know they would like to reserve a copy. Before you start mailing me, I will create a form which you can use to notify Mekong Merchandising. Be patient.


Mekong Delta interview

Mekong Delta interview, Paris, 8 april 2014


Although it’s quiet in the Mekong Delta camp, some members are not so dormant. Alex Landenburg is very busy touring with the guys from Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody and working with 21 Octayne, Benedikt Zimniak is working different projects and just this week Vivien Lalu released his second album using the name Lalu. Though Vivien is not a member of Mekong Delta however, the singer on this album is. Martin LeMar is responsible for the vocal parts on Lalu’s new album ‘Atomic Ark’. It’s a very nice and diverse prog rock/metal album. Definitely worth a listen. It’s available through many channels, even in Spotify and iTunes.

Lalu - Atomic Ark

Lalu – Atomic Ark




Martin Lemar, still currect vocalist for Mekong Delta, has aligned himself with a new project. This project is called “Nachtgeschrei” and the new album (‘Aus Schw?rzester Nacht’ with Martin on vocals) will be released on the 22nd of March this year. It’s Metal, it’s Folk, it’s Rock, it’s Medieval! All songs are in the German language (like all Nachtgeschrei albums). They have been performing mainly in Germany, but maybe this time they get a foothold in other countries.

You can check them out on