Yesterday a lot of fans (including myself) received an e-mail from Ralf. Here is his official statement:
German :
Mekong Delta hat mit den Aufnahmen für ihr neues Album begonnen, geplanter release date ist Anfang 2019. Unterstützung bei den Gitarren kommt von Peter Lake (ex-Theory in Practice), der bereits auf dem Album “Lurking Fear” (2007) mit Ralf Hubert zusammen gearbeitet hat. Weitere Infos folgen.
English :
Mekong Delta has started the recording of their new album, release date is planned for early 2019. Peter Lake (ex-Theory in Practice), who already worked together with Ralf Hubert on the “Lurking Fear” album (2007), joins in again for guitar support. More info will follow.
This will be the follow-up of Mekong Delta’s “In The Mirror Darkly”, which was released in 2014.