OK, the fourth album is also ready for a limited re-release. I received an e-mail from him a week ago. Here’s Ralf’s anouncement:
Hello to all of you,
the 4th Mekong Delta re – release on Vinyl, “Dances of Death”, will be available for fans first
in about 2 weeks, again as 180g vinyl in 3mm sleeve with an b/w printed innersleeve. As the CD cover,
caused by all the re – releases, is far away from the original Cover, we spent a lot of time in restaurating
the original painting so that we can use it for this vinyl re – release. A lot of Details are visible again now,
its quite different from the CD covers used over the years.
As this vinyl re – release will be a limited again, those of you who are interrested should drop me a mail
so that I can reserve a copy. Beside the normal album orders for signed whitelabels
are possible again. Those will be available starting end of this week.
Best regards,
Ralf Hubert / Mekong Delta
So in about a week the re-release will be available.